KINGS of ELYMAIS. Orodes IV. 2nd half of 2nd century AD. Æ Drachm .

 KINGS of ELYMAIS. Orodes IV. 2nd half of 2nd century AD. Æ Drachm . Diademed bust facing slightly left / Inverted anchor with one crossbar; pellet-in-annulet above; all within wreath. Van’t Haaff Type 17.3.1-1 var. (pellet-in-crescent to left and right of anchor); Very Fine; Very rare, and an apparently unpublished reverse type.

Note : Elymais or Elamais (Ἐλυμαΐς, Hellenic form of the more ancient name, Elam) was an autonomous state of the 2nd century BC to the early 3rd century AD, frequently a vassal under Parthian control, and located at the head of the Persian Gulf in the present-day region of KhuzestanIran (Susiana). The Elymaeans were skilled archers and natives of Susa, which lay to the east of the territory of Elymais. Most of the people of the kingdom were probably descendants of the ancient Elamites,who once had control of that area in the past. The provinces of Elymais were Massabatice (later Masabadhan), Corbiane and Gabiane.


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