Ancient ; Vishnukundina Empire, 450-624 AD, Andhra region, Copper, Weight : 4.97 Grams ; Exceptional Grade

 Ancient ; Vishnukundina Empire, 450-624 AD, Andhra region, Copper,

Weight : 4.97 Grams ; Exceptional Grade

Obv: Within inner circle: Roaring Lion facing right with raised foreleg and wide open mouth, tail uplifted and curled at back; Srivatsa in front, legend at back; dotted outer border

Rev: Within inner circle; Shankh (Conch-shell) between 2 Lampstands, one on either side, placed within a rayed outer border

History of the Vishnukundins

After the decline of the Satavahanas, the Andhra region was ruled initially by the Ikshvakus and later by the Vishnukundins. The Vishnukundins rose to power around 5th century AD and ruled from Vinukonda in Guntur Distt of Andhra, controlling areas in the Deccan, Orissa and parts of South India. "Vishnukundina" is a Sanskritised name for Vinukonda.

The most powerful Vishnukundin king was Madhavavarman I who performed eleven Aswamedhas and his kingdom at one point of time extended upto the Narmada river on north. It is assumed that the Vishnukundins assumed independence from the Pallavas between 450 AD and 500 AD. Earlier to it, probably Vinukonda was governed by the Vishnukundin family members under the suzerainty of Pallavas.

The Vishnukundin dynasty was brought to an end by the conquest of Eastern Deccan by the Chalukyas under Pulakesin II in 624 AD.


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