Ancient ; City State of Kurapurika (200 BC), Narmada Valley, Kamshya or Bell metal coin called as Kamshika.

 Ancient ; City State of Kurapurika (200 BC), Narmada Valley, Kamshya or Bell metal coin called as Kamshika.

Obv: Three or four punches: one with Brahmi legend KU RA PU ( RI KA ) and two with triangle-headed standard next to an Ujjain symbol. There might be a fourth punch which is obliterated. Rev: Blank.

Purika was a city in the Avanti area which was well known in the ancient times during 200 BC. It was situated on the banks of the river Narmada near the city of Mahismati. Kurapurika was a Purika of the ancient times. According to Fleet Purika is to be located to the south of the island of Mahismati (Mandhata in the Khandwa district) in the Narmada.

As per discovery the coins of another city state of Madhya Pradesh prompted to trace the location of Purika. They issued inscribed and uninscribed coins. The inscribed coins bear the Brahmi legend 'Kurapurika'. The boat symbol is quite often seen on the coins of the Kurapurika and also on the coins of Ujjain. Kurapurika civic coins have also been reported from eastern Malwa but the exact location of Kurapurika remains uncertain and trade activities might have brought these coins to the Eran-Vidisha region.


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