Indo Greeks, Hermaios (90-70 BC), **Copper Tetradrachma (Imitation),

 Indo Greeks, Hermaios (90-70 BC), **Copper Tetradrachma (Imitation), 

Obv: ***a diademed bust of the king, facing right, Greek legend **"BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ EPMAIOY" *"Basileos Soteros Hermaiou" (....of King Hermaios, the Saviour) around the field, 

Rev: Zeus enthroned three-quarters left, holding sceptre in left hand, and bestowing blessing with right hand, the Kharoshthi legend "Maharajasa tratarasa / heramayasa" around the field, 8.85g, 22.07mm, (MIG # 421a), about very fine.


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