Ancient : KUSHAN: Vima Kadphises copper tetradrachm with Oesho and Nandi.

 Ancient : KUSHAN: Vima Kadphises copper tetradrachm with Oesho and Nandi.

Vima Kadphises (Greek: ΟΟΗΜΟ ΚΑΔΦΙϹΗϹ Ooēmo Kadphisēs (epigraphic); Kharosthi: 𐨬𐨁𐨨 𐨐𐨫𐨿𐨤𐨁𐨭 Vi-ma Ka-lpi-śa, Vima Kalpiśa) , was a Kushan emperor from approximately 113 to 127 CE. According to the Rabatak inscription, he was the son of Vima Takto and the father of Kanishka.
Kadphises, standing facing, head left, sacrificing over altar to left and holding hand on hilt; to left, filleted trident behind, tamgha and club to right / "Maharajasa Rajatirajasa Mahishvarasa Hi(tri)ma Kapishasa Tradata" in Karosthi, Siva with three heads standing facing, holding trident in raised right hand and resting lowered left hand on bull Nandi standing to right, behind; tamgha above to left."
Weight : 16.62 Grams ; Diameter : 27 mm approx


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