Ancient: Kuninda Dynasty, Amoghbuti (200 BC), Silver Drachma, Very Rare

 Ancient: Kuninda Dynasty, Amoghbuti (200 BC), Silver Drachma, Very Rare

Obv: a deer standing to the right with a square-shaped vase above its back, an early Srivatsa symbol between its horns, a ten-dotted sun is behind the deer, the goddess Lakshmi stands on the right field in front of the deer, facing forward, and holds a lotus flower with an upraised right hand, Brahmi legend “Rajnah Kunimdasya Amoghbhutisya Maharajasya”(Great king Amoghbhuti, of The Kunindas) around the field,

Rev: centrally placed six-arched hill (chaitya) with parasol, a wavy river line below and a Nandipada (Triratna) above, Swastika above an Indradhvaja in the left field and a tree within railings on the right, Kharoshthi legend “Rana Kunindasa Amoghbutisa Maharajasa” (Great king Amogh, of the Kunindas) around the field, 2.25g, 17.05mm, (JONS by S. Kumar 218 # Type I, Class-2/Handa # Pl. XVI-1-2), complete legend visible on both the sides, about extremely fine, Very Rare.

Note: This variant for the type is with a ten-dotted sun behind the deer.


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