Mughal ; Shah Alam Bahadur, Silver Rupee, Khambayat Mint, AH 1119 / RY Ahd, Zafar word at top divider on rev. Very Rare. Note : The REV has the word Zafar ظفر (victorious) vs the standard 'maimanat' indicating victory of Shah Alam over his brother Azam Shah. Aurangzeb died 3 March 1707; AH1119 starts April 4 1707; Azam Shah killed at Jajau (between Gwalior & Agra) on 20 June 1707. The so called "Willed Plan" of leaving North India to Moazzam, Central India to Azam and South India (especially centered at Hyderabad & Bijapur) to Kam Bakhsh did not work out. The story that such a will was under the pillow of Alamgir MAY BE TRUE , because he issued orders just before his death, for Azam to move and take over Malwa, and Kam Bakhsh to take over Bijapur, but left Moazzam Bahadur stay put. These two princes had "Physically moved on these orders". Hence Khambayet issue is correct, issued after June 1707, but still in AH 1119. https://indiannumismaticgalle...
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