Nur Jahan, Lahore, RY 20, AH 1034. Obverse : including RY 20 (of Jahangir) Reverse : including AH date 1033 and mint Lahore ; Weight : 11.33 Grams ;

 MUGHAL : Noor Jahan ; Silver Rupee naming

Nur Jahan, Lahore, RY 20, AH 1034.
Obverse : including RY 20 (of Jahangir)
Reverse : including AH date 1033 and mint Lahore ; Weight : 11.33 Grams ;
Reference KM 168.4

Ze Hukam Shah Jahangir Yaft Sad Zewar
Ba Naame Noor Jahan Badshah Begum Zar

By Order of Shah Jahangir Gained a Hunderd Beauties
Gold By Name of Noor Jahan Badshah Begum

Note : In the waning years of his reign, Jahangir lost himself in drink, and allowed his queen Nur Jahan to effectively run the administration of the empire. This coin is tangible proof of Nur Jahan's power, as she places her own name on the coin, although nominally the issuer is Jahangir. Upon his accession, Shah Jahan made it a capital crime to use these coins and ordered them all melted, accounting for their rarity now.

The Lahore mint coins of Nur Jahan are much scarcer than the Patna coins.


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